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What we Do

Youth-In-Tune will partner with private citizens, community leaders, schools and business organizations to reach out to disadvantaged scholars and revive hopes & dreams of many.

Our work includes:

  • Strategically identifying school learners who need financial assistance and guidance (Grade 7 -12);
  • Providing support through procurement of school supplies (School uniform, Stationary & Accessories);
  • Providing on-going mentorship support to monitor scholars’ progress;
  • Funding school trips for individual learners to Career guidance exhibitions;
  • Funding University Application fees for Grade 12 learners;

Youth-in-Tune is also committed to eliminating drug usage in our schools. We believe a drug free society is possible through active youth in Sports. Our secondary goal is to encourage the youth in all communities that we have a footprint in, to actively take part in Sport development.

We aim to achieve this goal by:

  • Supporting sports teams with Team Kits, equipment & accessories;
  • Promoting Sports tournaments in communities to keep the youth active;
  • Engaging our Social partners to support and host coaching clinics in previously disadvantaged communities.

We believe that by working together, as individuals, businesses, community organizations & leaders – we can help to build a just and fair society for all who live in it.